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自己紹介で名乗る Introducing Yourself

執筆者の写真: Tomomi AraiTomomi Arai

English version comes after Japanese.

教科書で習った自己紹介って「Hello, my name is Taro Yamada, nice to meet you」みたいのだと思うんですけど、フルネームいらないです。相手に名前を覚えてもらうことが目的なので、日本人の分かりにくい氏名を早口に叫んでも意味がない。むしろ何と呼んでほしいかをクッキリハッキリ言いましょう。例えば「I'm Masafumi. Call me Masa.」とかね。

I understand that it's often difficult for you to remember Japanese names and how to pronounce them. Schools taught us that we should introduce ourselves like this. "Hello my name is Taro Yamada" but neither TARO or YAMADA is most likely not stored in your memory. It's probably better this way. "Hello I'm Taro. Call me Taro".



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