Tomomi (Shibata) Arai

Updated on 21/March/2020
【音楽】:Motley Crue, RATT, Aerosmith, Bon Joviなどハード系がメインであまり新規開拓していない中、最近気に入っているのはPapa Roach, One Direction, Suchmos
【旅行先】:第2の故郷Vancouverは別格。第3の故郷(?)かもしれないSingaporeも別格かな。1回行った旅行先で気に入った所は、St. Malo (France)、Edinburgh (UK)、Penang (Malaysia)、国内なら函館。
【海外ドラマ】:ER、Downton Abbey, The Sopranosを繰り返しAmazon Primeで見ちゃいます。
I was born in 1969, in Saitama-city. I like Urawa Reds because they're based in Urawa but I love Hanshin Tigers in baseball. Right after senior highschool I went to a community college in Vancouver, Canada and worked almost quarter of a century at GAISHIKEI (Japanese branch office of companies with foreign capital). I now work freelance in Human Resources field and am trying minimal life. I love music, travel, reading, and 1-hour TV drama from overseas.
[Music] mainly hard rock from 1980's like Motley Crue, RATT, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi but I also like Papa Roach, One Direction, and Suchmos in the recent years.
[Travel] other than Vancouver and Singapore (I should call them my 2nd hometown), my favorite places so far are St. Malo (France), Edinburgh (UK), Penang (Malaysia), or Hakodate if within Japan.
[Books] I like Science Fiction since grade 7 but haven't been following the current writers. If I pick up 1 favorite book, it'd be [Tenohira no shosetsu] by Yasunari Kawabata (Nobel Prize winner 1968)
[Drama] I've been watching ER, The Sopranos, and Downton Abbey repeatedly on Amazon Prime.