English version comes after Japanese.
交番って日本ならでは。JRなら主な駅前にあって何か困ったら飛び込めるって日本人には当たり前の日常になっているけど、すごいことだと思う。 「昔と比べて最近は治安が悪くなった」とか昭和を懐かしむ人がいますが、ブッブー、間違いです。昭和30~40年代のほうが圧倒的に殺人事件も多かったし、窃盗などの事件も多かったそうです。とはいえ、今どきのお巡りさんは当時とはまた違うご苦労があるわけで、私はお手間をかけないように心がけよう。
In Japan, you'll find a small police station "KOBAN" near train stations. You're always welcome to talk to the officers when you're in trouble. Some people think back old days and say it was much safer before but they're wrong. According to the statistics, there used to be more murders and thefts 40-50 years ago. I don't think it's easier nowadays for the police officers to work for public safety because they're totally in a different situation. I should try not to make any troubles.