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Superdry 極度乾燥(しなさい)

執筆者の写真: Tomomi AraiTomomi Arai

English version comes after Japanese. 

最初に見たのはシンガポールなんですけど「Superdry 極度乾燥しなさい」っていうアパレルブランドがあるんですねぇ。局地的な物かと思いきや、先日BBCでレポートする記者がこの文言が入ったトレンチコートを着ていてぶっ飛びました。トレンチですよ、あーた?さすがに調べてみたらイギリスのブランドでした。しかも(Wikiによれば)日本語は機械翻訳で意味がおかしいのは承知の上、ファッションとして付けているのだそうです。日本で意味分からない英語のシャツ多いもんね。

I was surprised to find this brand name in Singapore the first time but I thought it was a local brand.  I saw the brand name several times and finally on BBC.  The reporter was wearing a trench coat with this logo.  A British woman wearing a British traditional trench coat with strange Japanese word on?  I had to Google it and have found that it had started as a cult fashion brand in UK.  According to Wikipedia, the company's products include frequently meaningless excerpts of Japanese text, inspired by the common Japanese practice of placing decorative English text on items to increase their fashionability and appeal.  Right, we often find Japanese people wearing a shirt with meaningless English words.



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